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On the November ballot: Right to Farm
Rep. DeWayne Burns asks Texas dairy community for support
By State Rep. DeWayne Burns
Chair, Texas House Committee on Land and Resource Management
The dairy farming community has enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the people of Texas which has allowed dairy farmers to continue producing wholesome dairy products for our state and beyond.
During this legislative session, I am proud to have championed historic legislation and a constitutional amendment aimed at protecting the interests of dairy farmers from burdensome regulations imposed by local governments. This action became necessary as some municipalities started implementing ordinances and zoning restrictions that limited or outright prohibited the use of land for ag production.
While the legislation I fought for will provide statutory protections for the agricultural use of land, we now have a golden opportunity to solidify these safeguards in the Texas Constitution. By doing so, we can more effectively defend the right to farm and ranch, particularly as our state continues to experience unprecedented urban growth, and the continued loss of knowledge and appreciation for what it takes to get a gallon of milk from the farm to the grocery shelves and ultimately on Texans’ tables. Significantly, the Texas House and Senate passed the constitutional amendment proposal unanimously, conveying expansive support from lawmakers across the state.
Our success in securing constitutional protection hinges on the upcoming ballot in November. It is imperative that we educate Texans on this important measure ahead of the election.
Additionally, we’ve witnessed similar constitutional amendments facing formidable opposition in other states, such as Missouri and Oklahoma. Missouri’s amendment passed by a mere 3,000 votes, while Oklahoma’s amendment suffered a resounding defeat. Therefore, we have set up a political action committee to raise the money necessary to be successful. For those of you that have already contributed to our efforts, thank you, your contribution to the RIGHT2FARM PAC will significantly aid our efforts. If you have not yet contributed, or would like to contribute more, please visit www.Right2FarmTexas.com for more information. Together, let’s protect the right to farm and ensure a thriving future for our state’s dairy industry.