Texas Panhandle Wildfire Recovery Resources

Texas Panhandle Wildfire Recovery Resources

The following resources are available to assist those in the agriculture community impacted by the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle.

Current Fire Report: Texas A&M Forest Service

Lost or Found Livestock:
If you find cattle or other livestock with official identification, document the number, location of the animal(s), and call the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) at 512-719-0733 or 806-354-9335 and TAHC will contact the owner. If you find stray cattle that have a brand, call Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) at 817-332-7064 for brand identification. Visit www.tscra.org for more information.

If cattle have strayed onto your property, you must report them to the sheriff’s office in the county you are located in within five days of discovery to be eligible for reasonable payment for maintenance of or damages caused by the stray livestock. For more information regarding Texas’ estray laws visit: Texas Agriculture Code, Chapter 142.

Reporting Losses: Affected Ranchers:
Affected ranchers are being asked to call their AgriLife extension offices with any reports of dead or injured cattle. Office numbers of affected counties are:

Gray County (Pampa) 806-669-8033
Hemphill County (Canadian) 806-323-9114
Lipscomb County (Lipscomb) 806-862-4601
Ochiltree County (Perryton) 806-435-4501
Roberts County (Miami) 806-868-3191
Wheeler County (Wheeler) 806-826-5243

Livestock Supply Points:
The following livestock supply points are currently receiving and distributing donated feed resources to producers impacted by wildfires. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is not involved in the donation or distribution process. FSA is, however, raising awareness of the supply point locations where resources are available to producers located in counties affected by wildfires.

Gray County Livestock Supply Point
301 Bull Barn Dr
Pampa, TX
Contact: Mike Jeffcoat
Office: 806-669-8033

Lipscomb County Livestock Supply Point
202 West Main St
Lipscomb, TX
Contact: J.R. Spragg
Office: 806-862-4601

Hemphill County Livestock Supply Point
100 Hackberry Trail
Canadian, TX 79011
Contact: Andy Holloway
Office: 806-823-9114

Texas Department of Agriculture Hay Hotline:
TDA’s hay hotline helps agricultural producers locate forage and hay supplies for sale. If you need hay or would like to donate hay, visit www.gotexan.org/hayhotlinehome.aspx or call 877-429-1998.

Wildfire Aftermath: Beef Cattle Health Considerations:
Smoke inhalation, burns and thermal injury, exertion, stress, and injuries suffered during escape can all cause longer-term effects on cattle that have survived wildfires. Some of the body systems that can be affected include: lungs, feet, teats, bulls and eyes. While a great number of surviving cattle will not show any long-term effects of a wildfire, cattle producers should be away of the potential of problems down the road. To learn more, click here.

Producers should always consult a local veterinarian to help them make treatment and culling decisions in the best interests of the animal and the operation.

Agriculture Indemnity Program:
The Livestock Indemnity Program is authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 Farm Bill) to provide benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths in axcess of normal mortality caused by adverse weather or disasters.

For more details, contact your local FSA office. To find your local FSA county office, visit www.offices.usda.gov. To learn more about FSA disaster assistance programs, visit www.disaster.fsa.usda.gov.

Carcass Disposal:
If you are affected by the wildfire, call the Texas Commission on Environment Quality (TCEQ) regional office that serves your county at 800-832-8224 or visit their website.

Monetary Donations:
Star Fund Information: The Star Fund, administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture, helps farmers and ranchers recover from disaster.

Donations also can be made to benefit farmers and ranchers directly through locations in Gray, Hemphill and Lipscomb Counties: More information here.

More Resources:

Texas Animal Health Commission:
Emergency Preparation & Response

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service:
Wildfire Relief for the Panhandle




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